Drums and Percussion

challenge of recreating the Neil Peart sound is a very tall order and we
have decided do our Rush show and keep on working towards going original
someday. The drum tracks are finished for our Cd and I am just waiting
for the rest of the guys to finish up. I am ready to do some live shows
with the new material and move on to the next album, patience. . . . Only
doctor's have patience.
My personal choice was a
set of Premier Genista drums with each drum having 7" ply's of 100% birch
shells. With the exception of a 6" Remo roto tom, I'm using 8, 10, 12,
14, 15, & 16" closed toms and a pair of 22" Bass drums.The snare or
shall we say "Gun shot" is a solid shell Drum Workshop masterpiece. The
Craviotto is a 3 1/2 X 14 snare with a Evans Genera smooth head topped
off with an Ozone ring. All cymbals are Avedis-Zildjian. They are 13" hats,
8" & 10" splash, 2-16, 18, & 20" crashes, 22" ride and a 20" Paiste
china type.

Last but not least (I bet
you thought I forgot) the percussion: glockenspiel, temple blocks, agogo
bells, cow bells, wind chimes and triangles round out this mountain of
steel, wood & metal

All the closed toms have
"ozone rings" with clear Remo heads and clear dot heads on the bass drums.
My hardware is all Drum Workshop heavy duty stands with DW 5000 pedals.

As for what interests me
in my free time, I enjoy playing Twister after a long night of drinking,
then I send my GI Joe's over to Barbie and Ken's house to trash the place
and wreck her Corvette. For weapons I use the Nerf (the 2112 series of
course) and some old Osmond records. A pretty lethal combo! I thought of
using Jimbob's background vocals as a weapon, but one must have limits
on the use of force and remain humane. 'Till then, I will keep beating
my drums, countertops and furniture on a daily basis.....CLAY-TOR. . .(and
the snow dog).

Dr. NO